Red Diamond Elite™ and Active Red Diamonds

Red Diamonds are without a doubt the cream of the crop. They're the role models and mentors. We're proud, and profoundly humbled to help celebrate their dedication and success by highlighting them here! We highly encourage you to visit their blog postings by clicking on the links below, as these people are 100% committed to their own success, and in helping others! Their blog post could offer you much needed guidance in your own success. But we don't stop there. We, the owners of LAS, are constantly driving visitors to this page 24/7 to honor their commitment to excellence. They are true leaders and deserve our recognition!

Red Diamond Elite™ (what is Red Diamond Elite™?)

We're proud to highlight two randomly selected Red Diamond Elite™ members from the pool of 10! We also have a dedicated RDE highlight page in the works that should be released very soon!


RDE Score: 750

Joe Bulik (homebizjoe)

Hi, my name is Joe! (aka Home Biz Joe) I am a work-at-home Internet guy, and I help people for a living. You can find me at, I'm also a proud Red Diamond member of Leased Ad Space. Living Off The Net is Easy, Once You Know How. By the way, I like what you've done with your hair today. It looks really nice!

All posts from Joe Bulik

Recent Blog Posts

Recent Solo Ads

03-28-2025 01:03:16 PM

How to Make Money Online (For Beginners...)

Hey  Visitor,

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03-26-2025 01:03:59 PM

Free Traffic, Visitor? Yup. No Catch. No B.S.

Hey Visitor.

You know

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RDE Score: 550

Nigel Williamson (nigel63)

Hi all my name is Nigel Williamson, and i am looking forward to working with you..
For 5 years i have struggled to make more than $25 online!
Then i got shown a system, and a strategy that actually works.

I don't know how long you have been struggling but if it's time to step up,
you need to see this ->>>>

It all changed once I began to understand TRAFFIC!
A dollar or two later, I have a great team of people and the skills to turn most offers into profit.
I primarily focus on 'work from home' education/tools/resources
I'm a Dad of 7 kids and building an awesome future for my family!
if you have any questions hit me up on Facebook.>>>

Have a nice day! and i will talk to you soon.

03-19-2017 06:03:07 AM

working online can be like any other work

Sometimes working online can be like any other work that you do everyday,

It wares you down and I do get sometimes frustrated with all the people that I try to help but just don’t take

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03-17-2017 03:03:09 PM

All Thoughts Are Energy

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Recent Solo Ads

03-28-2025 02:03:56 AM

"Struggling to Make Ends Meet? Here’s How People Over 50 Are Earning Online Without the Guesswork!"

Visitor If you’ve ever felt trapped in a job that drains you, or worried about how to make ends meet, 

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03-25-2025 09:03:39 AM

"Feeling Stuck in the 9-5 Grind? Here’s How People Over 50 Are Breaking Free with a Proven Online Business System!"

Visitor If you’re tired of the endless cycle of working just to pay the bills, you’re not alone.

... (continue reading →)

Recently Active Red Diamonds

We're happy to highlight the content of our most recently active Red Diamond members! This list includes all members who have posted new content to their personal blogs, ordered by who has made the most recent posts.


Francois Kok (fksa)

Who am I?

Just a regular guy who likes to interact with others on lead generation, marketing, promoting and the fun side of the business.

Looking to always improve my outlook on life and help others achieve the success that having a mindset for personal growth.

As a master in the art of living, I draw no sharp distinctions between my work and play, my labour, my mind, my education and my recreation.

Anyways just wanted to connect

Currently, I am Living in South Africa on the western side of one of the major cities called Johannesburg in a town called Krugersdorp.

"Seeker of Peace - Legend in His Own Time World Traveler, Casual Hero, Soldier of Fortune, Philosopher, Wars Fought, Tigers Tamed, Uprisings Quelled.


03-02-2023 09:03:43 AM

Kenny Rogers school of internet marketing

The other day something reminded me of that song “The Gambler” by Kenny Rogers.


“If you're going to play the Game Boy, you've

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08-08-2022 09:08:31 AM

Charina Just Earned a 100.00 Superstar Bonus!🎁

My system spits out 100.00 Superstar Bonuses like clockwork. 

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Raine Kim (JoinRaine)

My name is Raine Kim and I live in SW Ontario.

I'm a single parent, went through a horrific divorce and started to look for extra ways to earn money online. I went through the ups and downs of the RevShare vs Paypal wars. I was making money online and lost it. Easy come, Easy GO!

I was lucky enough to come across strong leadership with a solid plan that allowed me to ReFOCUS and ReBuild. Now, I am earning online again and it is steadily growing. I tell you this because I can show you exactly how to do the same and FAST!!

No Guessing

Step by Step

I lay everything out for you.

CLICK HERE and check out the plan.

What would extra income daily do for your business and life?

(this very email is also a part of that plan)

Get more info HERE

Then look out for my email.

Peace, Love and Prosperity,

Raine :)

01-18-2017 02:01:06 PM

WTF Wednesday... From My Blog

Leased Ad Space Strategy…


Here’s the thing, you can make extra money working online… I am on a mission where at some point, I want to replace my income


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Lorraine Malley (sapphire09)

Hi and wecome to my profile!
I am married with 2 grown daughters and have 5 grandchildren. I am a retired Caregiver which has been a very rewarding experience for me as I enjoy helping people. I have been online for 9 years now and like many, have had my ups and downs but I am determined to push forward. I enjoy meeting people from all over the world and wish you all the best in your online endeavors:)

01-22-2017 04:01:46 PM

Instant Banner Creator...

<iframe width="900" height="506" src="" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

01-17-2017 07:01:49 PM

#1ProfitRing... High Impact Income is NOW HERE!

-All Marketers- Take Notice. THE earning Webring. 

Your advertising will reach SEVERAL DIFFERENT "CAMPS" of interent marketers here. With it,

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Gary Konigsberg (atthefinishline48)

They call me Gary Coin! I will show you how to turn a little bit of bitcoin into A LOT of Bitcoin!

05-11-2017 02:05:34 PM

Earn $10k/mo in 90 days!


You Get Paying bItcoin members and $90 in bitcoin! 

Earn $10k/mo in 90 days!

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03-30-2017 06:03:26 AM

Earn a Bitcoin Profit in 30 Days or WE PAY the Difference until YOU DO!! Yep!

It's really Quite Simple... Join Us & Receive PAID Members...

YES We Give YOU PAID Members AND You EARN on Our Entire Team Build!

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Bo Tipton (acornmarketing)

We are a team of experienced marketers who have come together to help you build your business. We have seen people struggling to make money on the Internet when it is mainly a lack of information or training that keeps from doing that. We are going to make a difference. We are going to help a few people make money on the Internet. We cannot change the world but we can change someone's life. Are you that person who is willing to work that wants to be free financially. If So Contact Us

06-26-2018 01:06:00 PM

Do you really want to know why you are not making money?

It is not that you cannot make money on the Internet.

It is not that you are too old or too young.

It is not that you are not smart enough or are too smart.

The one thing that

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11-09-2017 04:11:51 PM

Have You Heard

In case you haven’t heard, there is big changes going on.

Build Your Matrix. It is now owned by Acorn Marketing and they

are making big changes.

They have taken all that they

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Seely Clark (clarkie44)

I live in Bangor, Maine and I worked full-time as a RN at a local hospital. In 2010 I started working online Part-time after my mother was disabled by a heart attack. I wanted to build extra income to help with her health care.
What started as a way to make extra income has grown into a passion! Over the last several years, it has started to come together for me. I am now able to work online full time It is AMAZING!
Over the years I have learned a great deal about marketing on the Internet. I have learned many things that don’t work and and much that DOES work.
One thing I have learned is that for me to succeed, I have to help others succeed. So now my focus is on teaching others what I have learned works so that they can avoid the money wasting struggles I went through and finally start making money on the Internet.

01-25-2025 10:01:31 PM

Turn Your Homestead into a Thriving Business

Are you ready to transform your lifestyle into a profitable venture?

Discover how to turn your homestead into a thriving business in our latest guide. Whether it's utilizing your land,

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07-31-2024 07:07:36 AM

Can Network Marketing Make Me Rich? Fact or Fiction?

Discover whether network marketing can truly make you rich. Explore how it works, the top 10 richest people in network marketing, and how to get rich in this industry.

The allure of network

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Gary Sisler (gssisler)

Hello; My name is Gary Sisler. I live in Colorado, USA. I am an Internet Affiliate Marketer working from home. I have a Computer Business and have been working with computers and have been online since 1992.

I retired in June 2009 from Case IH Agricultural Equipment after 30 years, the last 15 years as a service representative. I was a Warranty Consultant for Case IH / New Holland dealers for 5+ years in addition to starting my Computer Business.

I know what it means to provide great customer service. First of all I am a Businessman with Integrity.

11-28-2018 07:11:57 PM

After Black Friday and Cyber Monday Offers!

Hello friend,


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11-28-2018 04:11:13 PM

What Is On Your Bucket List?

Friend, What Is On Your Bucket

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Yvonne Rioux (bluemountain)

I am an internet marketer with strong work ethic.
For many years, I held two jobs. Quite often, I went long stretches without a day off.
My primary job ended when the retailer/employer closed its operation.I still hold the other job.
I also happen to an avid internet user.

09-01-2017 06:09:15 PM

Health Blog

Recently, I spend sometimes on listening to a seminar on health.

About how important it is to do exercise and eat real food.

Not forgetting the fibers that go with that.

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02-04-2017 05:02:01 PM

Has been created! We must use it!

Great Blog Marketing Techniques

Marketing your blog is not all that hard to do. You have to be persistent and want success however if you want your blog to do well. You cannot

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Krisztian Bellak (Anathol)

My name is Krisztián Bellák and live in Hungary which is a small country in the middle east part of Europe. I am working as IT leader of a multinational company. Since 2008 I started my adventure as an internet marketeer. I had learned a lot during this time and made a lot of friends online from all corners of the world and this made a lot of fun. I love to connect with like minded people and if you can earn in between is just the topping. I like to help people make their first earnings online it remembers me on my first 10$ earned which is a great feeling.

08-03-2017 08:08:14 AM

How to use Leased Ad Space's advertisement services the best way?

Hi Dear Reader,

My name is Krisztián Bellák and I have joined LAS in April 2016 since than I tried to help my team with my sponsor to build a big team and we were quite successful and had

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01-16-2017 03:01:44 AM

Bitcoin is the new way!

This is my first blog post here in LAS and wanted to write a bit about bitcoin which is getting stronger and stronger every day!

More and more programs are accepting or relying on it

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Marja Wealth2all (wealth2all)

My name is Marja Opsteegh.

My interests are:
affiliate marketing, advertising, working from home and
networking with others.

My website:

Let's connect on:

01-15-2017 02:01:09 PM

Do you love Matrix Programs?

Buildyourmatrix is a free Downlinebuilder for 5 Proven online Matrix Programs.

In contrast to other Downlinebuilder Programs, which require you to upgrade,
Buildyourmatrix is free and

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