Red Diamond Elite™ and Active Red Diamonds

Red Diamonds are without a doubt the cream of the crop. They're the role models and mentors. We're proud, and profoundly humbled to help celebrate their dedication and success by highlighting them here! We highly encourage you to visit their blog postings by clicking on the links below, as these people are 100% committed to their own success, and in helping others! Their blog post could offer you much needed guidance in your own success. But we don't stop there. We, the owners of LAS, are constantly driving visitors to this page 24/7 to honor their commitment to excellence. They are true leaders and deserve our recognition!

Red Diamond Elite™ (what is Red Diamond Elite™?)

We're proud to highlight two randomly selected Red Diamond Elite™ members from the pool of 10! We also have a dedicated RDE highlight page in the works that should be released very soon!


RDE Score: 900

Mikael Gustavsson (migu)

Discover the Benefits of Joining Live Good: Affordable Health and Wellness Products and a Profitable Business Opportunity!

Live Good is a health and wellness company that offers a wide range of products at affordable prices. Their product line includes supplements, beauty products, weight loss solutions, and even healthy coffee and shakes. They also offer a one-time membership fee of $49.95 that allows members to receive even more discounts and the opportunity to earn an income through their business.

As a member of Live Good for the past month, I have been impressed with the quality and affordability of their products.

I am also impressed with their professional approach to health and wellness and their commitment to making it easy for individuals to maintain a healthy lifestyle.

One of the things I appreciate about Live Good is their recruiting system. They follow up with tour takers and do an excellent job of explaining the business to them. Additionally, their pay plan is very attractive, offering weekly fast starts, multiple bonuses, and monthly pay, as well as extra incentives for members. The company also hosts regular online calls to help members learn more about the company and its products.

Another aspect of Live Good that I appreciate is the wide range of products they offer, which are all reasonably priced. They also do not have any product purchase requirements for members, which is refreshing compared to other companies that impose such requirements.

In my experience, Live Good is a legitimate company with great support and a member-oriented approach. Their products are high-quality and affordable, and their business model is highly profitable.

Overall, Live Good is an excellent opportunity for anyone looking to improve their health and wellness and earn an income. Their low-cost, affordable products and flexible business model make them a great choice for anyone looking to start a business.

Mikael Gustavsson

03-13-2025 03:03:49 PM

Silver Signals Break-Out Rally

People receiving Monthly Automatic home delivery of Silver are ahead of the curve.


On March 11th, 2025 Silver trading broke the $33 per oz spot resistance

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03-09-2025 11:03:45 AM

How & Why Are Silver Prices Bing Manipulated?

Individuals holding physical silver may be in possession of the most undervalued asset in modern history.

While gold has crossed the historic mark of $2,900, reaching an

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Recent Solo Ads

03-23-2025 09:03:37 AM

Get Free Silver—Yes, It’s Real!

Hey Mikael here,

What if I told you that you could get pure silver—at no cost? 

Sounds incredible, doesn’t it? Well, with

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03-16-2025 09:03:19 AM

🤍 Get Pure Silver at No Charge!

Hey Mikael here,

Imagine Getting Pure Silver at No Charge!

Of course that sounds too good to be true right?

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RDE Score: 650

Ahmed Ali (onlinept)

Hello everyone, my name is Ahmed Ali and I'm a part-time online entrepreneur. After failing miserably during my first 7 years online, including being scammed for thousands of dollars on get rich schemes/e-books/and software‟s, I learned an important lesson summed up by this quote from Napoleon Hill the author of “The Law Of Success” and “Think & Grow Rich”;

“TRULY, "thoughts are things", and powerful things at that, when they are mixed with definiteness of purpose, persistence, and BURNING DESIRE for their translation into riches, or other material objects.”

I pressed on to crack the code of this online marketing thing. And the most important thing that I can tell you right now is “Learn how to generate targeted traffic, how to build your own list, and how to communicate properly with your subscribers in order to convert them to sales ”, because without those three components, you‟re out of the game!

All posts from Ahmed Ali

Recent Blog Posts

Whoah! This user hasn't written any original content yet. Reach out and let them know you want to hear from them!

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03-25-2025 02:03:30 AM

Just 5 Minutes a Day To Unlock Financial Freedom!

Pay Close Attention!...

Have you ever wished for a way to create
real financial freedom without the hassle
of complex systems or long hours?

I’ve come across a

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03-23-2025 02:03:27 AM

Just 5 Minutes a Day To Unlock Financial Freedom!

Pay Close Attention!...

Have you ever wished for a way to create
real financial freedom without the hassle
of complex systems or long hours?

I’ve come across a

... (continue reading →)

Recently Active Red Diamonds

We're happy to highlight the content of our most recently active Red Diamond members! This list includes all members who have posted new content to their personal blogs, ordered by who has made the most recent posts.


Darryl Dean (darryldean)

I'm READY to help 1 7 more people to
Make $1000 / DAY Online...
Join today, Get PAID TODAY!!

Connect with me on Facebook!

--- #DARRYL411 ---


You can thank me later!


Let's connect on Facebook:


Rodney Trotter (tglobal)

My name is Rodney Trotter. I am 51 years old and have a degree in Electronic Engineering Technology. I have three wonderful children, two daughters and one son. I spend most of my time, ensuring that they have what they need to thrive into adult hood. One of my biggest hobbies is learning. I plan on attending M.I.T. (Massachusetts Institute of Technology). Why do I want to attend? I want to attend, because it is the toughest school in the world and I would love to see if I am up to the challenge. I have another hobby, and that is helping people. I am presently using my connections to bring services to people worldwide. My goal is to uncover the hidden secrets of business and enlighten as many people as I can. Knowledge is power, and the more knowledge we as a group have, the more prosperous we all will become. One of my favorite quotes is “Your brain doesn’t know what it cannot do until you tell it” –Ed Strachar. I believe that no matter what problem arises, that there is a way around it. My goal is that we all look for the solution and not for the excuses.

12-03-2024 08:12:42 PM

Join the Revolution: ADS is Changing the Game in Affiliate Success!

Are you ready to revolutionize your network marketing and
affiliate ventures? Introducing the Automatic Duplication System (ADS) by
Prosperity Highway Global (PHG) – your gateway to

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12-03-2024 08:12:10 PM

Transform Your Network Marketing with ADS – Duplication Made Easy!

Are you ready to revolutionize your network marketing and
affiliate ventures? Introducing the Automatic Duplication System (ADS) by
Prosperity Highway Global (PHG) – your gateway to

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Charlie Davis (buster2u2)

I am someone on a mission to change my family tree and to change how we live and engage in everyday life. And the lives of many others.

04-30-2017 07:04:23 PM

Is Leadership Something You Can Learn or Is One Born with It?

Is Leadership Something You Can Learn or Is One Born with It?

This is one of the most frequently asked questions when it comes to leadership. What makes a good leader and can anyone become a

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03-12-2017 09:03:51 AM

What Should I Do?

Posted on 3-8-2017 at 11:06 PM by buster2u2

18 This is how Jesus the Messiah was born. His mother,

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Charles Vibber (csvsam)

06-23-2017 04:06:20 PM

EasyCash4ads,Truth or conspiracy? You decide . .


EasyCash4ads Launched

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02-02-2017 04:02:44 PM

Build A Website To Get Free Traffic

You want to increase the traffic to your site. The method widely used with great results is using the search engines rankings that improve your chances of targeting the audience

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Leif Stromstedt (inclub)

My name is Leif and I`m 57 year, I have vorked from home 7 years now. I have found that working with bitcoin and crypto currency are very interesting

05-14-2017 10:05:50 AM

Top Internet Marketing “Secret” Revealed

I don’t know what day you’re reading this.

But I do know that today someone, somewhere, just launched a brand new Internet Marketing product or course

that will finally teach you

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03-09-2017 08:03:32 AM

How To Earn Money With Ads On Facebook

How To Earn Money With Ads On Facebook


As social media networks continue to increase in popularity, more folks are wondering how they can make cash with ads on Facebook.

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Isaac Pagan (careerres)

My name is Isaac Pagan. I'm a retired NYC Police Officer. I married my beautiful wife 34 yrs. ago and have 3 great kids. My other boy is Apollo our 170 pound 10 yrs. old South African Boerboel. His picture is on the upper left above my name. He was a Therapy Dog with 7 yrs. of service and loved to visit nursing homes, VA hospitals, children with terminal illnesses with me on the weekends. He knows exactly what to do to bring smiles to their faces and some joy into their lives. He is now retired.

I play tenor saxophone with a Jazz Big Band. We perform concerts of traditional swing and big band music as part of the Jazz in the Nursing Homes Project performing for nursing homes and our veterans as a community service. The big band is a 17 piece jazz band that performs the hits from the big band era. It's an honor to give back to those that have been forgotten.

One of my goals is to do what I can to help those less fortunate. To give to charities, missions, the needy and the poor. It's possible for all of us to do our part as best as we can to help. It's possible to make a change.

Just wanted to introduce myself and to let you know a little about myself. Thank you very much for your time.

May you be Blessed with much Success, Health and Prosperity,
Isaac Pagan

07-06-2018 05:07:34 PM

Honest Life-Time Income that you can Will it to others.

Honest Life-Time Income that you can Will it to others. 

If you are looking for quick money then skip this BUT if you are looking for an Honest program that will grow your

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04-23-2018 01:04:00 PM

NEW and I am giving 1000 free

Yes, I am giving 1000. More on this later.


Need Leads? Have a product or program or just want to get the word out? 

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Elizabeth Charron (bethcharron)

I am married with three daughters and six grandchildren. I got into internet marketing seven years ago to try and supplement my income as my husband could not work anymore. I took a break a for about a year, because I did not get any results. When I came back about six months I got better results joining with my two favorite programs then I did in the seven years before. This program will bring even greater results I look forward to helping you get the results you want

02-14-2017 11:02:24 AM

This will be the largest Affiliate Marketing and Network Marketing launch in History.

Joel Therien announces the launch of a project that has been a labor of love for him for years. is a combination of his first love for fitness and nutrition and his vast knowledge

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01-30-2017 01:01:53 PM

What Do You Consider To Be Valuable Content

Hi there  I want to discuss what valuable content is

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Dan Watson (danwatson)

Hello! My name is Dan Watson. I have been marketing online for a few years now, although I didn't start having any success recently, I have learned a lot in the past couple years and have grown my team into the hundreds. I love marketing and it is my passion. I simply cannot see myself doing anything else. Please take the time to look around my blog and read some different posts. If you decide that you may want to work with me and let me help you learn how to earn money online as well, simply sign up at and I will get in touch with you and let you know how to get started. I look forward to working with you. Here's to your success!

07-12-2023 05:07:10 PM

The Best Way For A Newbie To Make Money Online:?


If you REALLY want to make any real

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06-22-2023 10:06:58 AM

Special link for today!. Open Now If Your Ready For A Change!

Hi buddy,

Dan Watson here with you today.

Here's the shortcut to get started with the HOTTEST opportunity

online today.

Here is your special link below:

Once you are

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Kamal Glover (Rocksolar8)

I'm a husband and father of 6 (3 on this earth and 3 in heaven). I'm looking forward to meeting you and hopefully working with you one day. Thanks for viewing my blog.

07-01-2017 10:07:09 PM

Mining bitcoins

I have purchased 300 MH/s 2-year contract from for 1500 USD 3 months ago and by today I earned 8.5 DASH on this contract, which is nearly what I spent. Therefore for the rest

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01-29-2017 08:01:53 AM

Speed Feeder – Legit Company or Big Scam? Find out what i discovered

Welcome to my Speed Feeder Review!

With so many new Internet marketing companies launching daily, it can be difficult to know which ones are legit and which ones are

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Sean Lynch (beachdigger)

Grew up on the south shore of Montreal with my brother and sister

I love working with people and helping them succeed. I spend a lot of time mentoring others. My brother has always told me I would make an amazing teacher. I believe this is one of the main reasons I will excel in network marketing.

I received my degree in mechanical engineering from McGill University and jumped right into the corporate world upon graduation. After 9 years of working, I realized that only by working for myself could I earn the money I desired in order to be able to live this one life I have been given.

Volleyball enthusiast, friend, patriot, family man. Enjoy cross-fit style training and an occasional Spartan race.

I've discovered the secrets to making money on the internet. I enjoy sharing it with my friends and will tell you more.

01-28-2017 07:01:23 AM

How To Increase Your Sales Using LeasedAd Space

Hi Sean Lynch here and today I would like to cover a strategy I use to increase the number of sales for my business using LAS.  Many whom have signed up might have been enticed by the

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