LAS Blogs: Roberto

About Roberto


Affiliate marketing maverick since 2014 here! πŸš€ If you're passionate about the Make Money Online niche, then I highly recommend diving into lead-generation products. This strategy not only aligns perfectly with the interests of your audience but also entices them to take action and join the program. It’s a win-win for both you and those eager to start their journey to success! πŸ’‘

Check out my LAS profile for more information about me! β†’

You'll Never Believe These Wild Sales Tactics...

Published on 05-03-2024 11:05:05 AM by Roberto

I was thinking about the craziest ways salespeople try to get customers to buy, and I came up with a few doozies. Get ready to have your mind blown!

1. The "Hostage Negotiation" Approach - Lock the customer in a room until

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Seriously, stop doing this online...

Published on 04-26-2024 10:04:33 AM by Roberto

Why I Broke Up with Dropshipping (It's Not You, It's Me)

I have to come clean - I've been seeing someone else. And by "someone else," I mean affiliate marketing. I know, I know, it's a shocker. After all, dropshipping and I used to be so hot and heavy. But

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Well, You Be the Judge...

Published on 04-19-2024 07:04:58 PM by Roberto

Is Marketing with a Classified Ad Like Fishing?

Well, you be the judge...

1. A classified ad is designed for a specific market (river/lake)

2. The people who read newspapers are not common (the fish)

They are interested in sharing their values with the community

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