Red Diamond Elite™ and Active Red Diamonds

Red Diamonds are without a doubt the cream of the crop. They're the role models and mentors. We're proud, and profoundly humbled to help celebrate their dedication and success by highlighting them here! We highly encourage you to visit their blog postings by clicking on the links below, as these people are 100% committed to their own success, and in helping others! Their blog post could offer you much needed guidance in your own success. But we don't stop there. We, the owners of LAS, are constantly driving visitors to this page 24/7 to honor their commitment to excellence. They are true leaders and deserve our recognition!

Red Diamond Elite™ (what is Red Diamond Elite™?)

We're proud to highlight two randomly selected Red Diamond Elite™ members from the pool of 10! We also have a dedicated RDE highlight page in the works that should be released very soon!


RDE Score: 1950

Miguel Rodrigues (Mike8711)

Hi folks! My name is Miguel Rodrigues, I'm from Portugal and I'm a music teacher and a part-time internet marketer!

Been online for over 4 years now. Spent more than I can say but finally learned my lesson from those "too good to be true" programs.

Building my List is my main goal nowadays, cause as they say "The money is in the List"(not only on your list but also on the follow up).

Trying to build my business, slow but steady!
Also here to learn more each day and also teach what i've learned especially in these last year or so!


07-19-2024 11:07:55 AM

Free Video Reveals...

How To Turn $50 Into 3 

Income Streams ++

... (continue reading →)

07-12-2024 12:07:58 PM

Build Your Tomorrow... TODAY!

Hello business comrades..

Miguel here...

If you are looking for a great business oportunity.. 

... (continue reading →)

Recent Solo Ads

07-26-2024 11:07:12 AM

Want up to 100% Commissions?

Free Video Reveals...

How To Turn $50 Into 3 Income Streams ++

And Up to 100% Commissions!

Watch The Video And Get All The Kuicy


To Your Success

... (continue reading →)

07-22-2024 09:07:55 AM

How To Turn $50 Into 3 Income Streams ++

Free Video Reveals...

How To Turn $50 Into 3 Income Streams ++

Watch The Video Inside by

Filling Your Details Below!

To Our Mutual Success,

Miguel Rodrigues


RDE Score: 1750

Tom L (timothyolson)

Get your FREE money-making website setup NOW so that you can start earning up to 5 paychecks from home within the next 24 hours, following my proven action plan and "step-by-step" money-making training!

Get instant access now =>

All posts from Tom L

Recent Blog Posts

07-25-2024 04:07:18 PM

How to interact with users on social media

Firstly, it's important to understand your target audience's stage in the market's sophistication level. By doing this, you will be able to craft the right message that will resonate with them and

... (continue reading →)

07-21-2024 01:07:39 AM

How to Convert Cold Web Traffic Into Buyers

Converting cold web traffic into buyers involves careful planning and the strategic application of several principles. First, it's essential to understand the visitors' state of awareness about the

... (continue reading →)

Recent Solo Ads

07-26-2024 01:07:20 AM

New Traffic Stream For Visitor!

Visitor,It is always nice to have new, multiple streams of TRAFFIC and this one can bring in lots of it. Visitor, click the credit link NOW!

07-24-2024 01:07:04 AM

New Traffic Stream For Visitor!

Visitor,It is always nice to have new, multiple streams of TRAFFIC and this one can bring in lots of it. Visitor, click the credit link NOW!

Recently Active Red Diamonds

We're happy to highlight the content of our most recently active Red Diamond members! This list includes all members who have posted new content to their personal blogs, ordered by who has made the most recent posts.


John Worsham (woody35)

Texan, married, 5 children, 16 Grandchildren, 29 Great Grandchildren. Born again Christian, 50 years a Bible study teacher, 10 years in internet marketing, love Church, Hunting, Fishing in that order.

06-04-2017 11:06:07 AM

How Will I ever Get Through THIS?

Whatever it is—you’ll get through this! You think you won’t. But we all do! We fear the depression will never lift, the yelling will never stop, the pain will never leave. We

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05-30-2017 08:05:24 AM

All You Gotta' Do Is Show Up!

 Could you believe in someone?  One German poet said, 

"Treat a man as he appears to be, and you make him worse. 

But treat a man as if he were what he potentially

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Realmoney Smith (Realmoney)

I am Dave Smith, I'm an Entrepreneur, Internet Marketer, i'm driven and determined to make my dreams come true. I like to encourage and Motivate People to Move in the right direction. "I'm a Progressive Man and I Love Progressive People." "I'm a Positive Man and I love Positive People.

06-08-2017 10:06:56 AM

As Seen In Email Inboxes Everywhere

Welcome to MY life… 

Imagine laying in a hammock… 

On the beach… 

Drinking margaritas and flirting

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04-20-2017 01:04:03 PM



This Dangerously Powerful System

Has Proven To:

* Annihilate ANY Competition

* Catapult My Business to The Next Level

* Unleash A Torrent Of New Cash

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Ryan Hartman (ryanhartman)

Full time online marketer... with skills that pay some of the billz.

01-26-2017 10:01:17 AM

How To Make Quick Ugly Banner Ads & Buttons With Google Draw


We don't need no stinking photoshop! 

If you need quick and ugly graphics and banners for your internet marketing adventures, then you need look no further than

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Gary Chappelle (jobslayers)

After years in the corporate rat race, my wife Deb and I made the tough choice to chunk it all for the dream of earning a living online. It wasn’t always easy, especially when we first started out, but we learned that we didn’t really have a “Plan B”. We HAD to make it work.

Today we have a thriving online business that allows us to do what we want to do, when we want to do it, and with whom we choose to do it. We especially love to travel and interact with other like-minded individuals who have their own dreams. We call our “Tribe” of online friends “The Job Slayers” because that’s our mission in life.

05-07-2017 04:05:06 PM

This System Gives You Free PAID Signups!


...I've been in this business a long time...going on 9 years now.

And one of the things I've learned is that one of the hardest things for people to do to build their

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01-26-2017 08:01:09 AM

How to Properly Use Traffic Exchanges to Build An Empire

I have been building a successful income online since 2008 when I quit my corporate

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Audrey Sorg (Audreysorg)

I am a former ballet dancer. I am 56 years old. I have been online for the past 5 years. I feel that online marketing has given me an outlet for my creativity, that my dancing used to fill. I like so many others have spent a small fortune while trying to make money online. I have since learned that there are no "Get Rich Quick" or "Push Button" riches on the internet. Currently I am working on my "Writing Skills". I have found out this is "Thee" most important skill you can have. Your Eight Steps is my favorite program it just makes sense.

01-26-2017 08:01:26 AM

Get The Best Copywriting Course on the Internet And Improve Your Writing Skills! Critical!

Dear Marketing Friends,

Would You Like Simple Step-by-Step Instructions

to Boost Your Traffic, Triple Your Conversion

Rates, and Take More Time Off?

... (continue reading →)


Kenny Kolijn (Kenny)

Social Worker and Internet Marketer interested in online business and entrepreneurship.

If you need help with traffic and lead generation, email marketing and online advertising, get in touch. It's my passion and I'd like to help others grow their online business.

Also check out these sites for FREE advertising (if you want traffic to your site):

- List Impact -
- List Unlocked -
- Fast List Mailer -
- Banner Ads That Pay -
- Easy Traffic Boost -

01-26-2017 05:01:28 AM

Email 1000's of internet marketing leads for FREE

Email To Thousands Of Leads for FREE

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01-26-2017 05:01:19 AM

List Impact - Get Traffic To YOUR Website Fast

Want REAL traffic to your website?

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Niranjan Ranade (anantshakti)

As a full-time Affiliate Marketer, I recommend products & services that help "Online Business Opportunity Seekers" build real and growing income :)

07-25-2024 02:07:17 AM

Want To Earn $270 Daily On Total Autopilot ?

Unlock The ONE Link You Need To Rake In Regular $270 Paydays On Total Autopilot.

Watch This Video To See How

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Brent Sissel (amcs)

My day job is doing contract labor for a goat dairy. Bet you don't read that every day on someone's profile. Anyway, I love animals and I get paid to stay in shape so it is the perfect job for me.

The online world is where I get to meet interesting people from all over the world in search of the same thing as I am.

08-23-2019 01:08:03 PM

Business For $1 Dollar

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03-05-2019 05:03:56 PM

DAC Independant Agent


Brian Davis (briandavis)

A little about me. I'm retired Navy, served 25 years and retired as a Senior Chief. ABFCS to be exact.

Married 27 short years to my beautiful wife, the former Stella Dublin from Letye Philippines. As you can clearly see I married up. We have two grown sons, Justin 23 and Jonathan 22.

I had seen leasedadspace being promoted but didn't really pay it much mind. Reason being, is I thought the results of a $7 solo ad from leasedadspace wouldn't bring much results.

I was wrong. The first solo I sent out already resulted in 89 opens and 53 clicks. That is insane. I didn't setup conversion tracking with leasedadspace solo but from the best I can tell I've gotten 13 leads so far. Again that is unheard of for $7.

If you haven't bought your $7 package. Grab it now.

See at the top.
Brian Davis

08-27-2018 04:08:07 AM

Off the cuff 25 Dollar 1up review

Hey it's Brian Davis here. I did a quick off the cuff video review of 25dollar1up.  As I mentioned in the video, 25dollar1up provides you with pre-built lead capture pages and landing pages to

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12-02-2017 06:12:52 PM

Advertise To Millions.

Brian Davis' Advertise To Millions Link is here =>

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Malcolm Keith (malk)

Hello there!

In 20 years online, I have lost count of the number of online programs I have been in that never made it through the year.

The internet is awash with schemes to relieve you of your money with enticing promises and no chance of seeing them come to fruition..

I am now in a win-win situation thanks to a diversity of business types in my portfolio where I leverage other peoples professional skills to make my money return a profit to me passively.

Go for assets that return an income over and over - preferably passively.

I don't go to work, have no mortgage or debts, and get a good income to enjoy life..

Rule your own empire - don't be a slave in someone else's ....

All the best, Malcolm